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Courage Quotes

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Courage Quotes

Quotes, which talks about human actions that have been marked as a heroic, we rank among the quotes about courage. Courage has been and will always be appreciated among the people and quotes about courage will always bind to many people who are not brave and quotes can help them overcome this obstacle.

..."Hound Me Without Me". detail
GEFRY (own creation)
icon 27.05.2020 icon 3x icon 2864x
There's never a reason to give up. Whenever you give it all you got, you can say you tried. But when you give up.. Know that those who said you can't do it, they will be ... detail
TEMP (own creation)
icon 13.09.2017 icon 0x icon 1609x
The sun will stand as your best manAnd whistleWhen you have found the courageTo marry forgivenessWhen you have found the courageto marryLove. detail
icon 12.08.2012 icon 6x icon 4055x
The worst evil of all is to leave the ranks of the living before one dies. detail
icon 02.08.2012 icon 4x icon 6572x
Quotes authors biographies
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